{bucket list item #32}

Actually I have no idea what number it is on my incredibly long "Bucket List", but it's somewhere in that range.
What is?
Witness a proposal.
 How sweet and precious it is to watch a man ask a young lady to marry him. Take that sweetness and multiply it times a lot when the man and sweet young lady are some of your really good friends.
That's how my week started.

~Owen and Bekah...the proposal~
Owen had told us last week about his plans to pop the question, and we {a small group of friends and family from church} helped to make sure it came off without a hitch. Well, I didn't really help in any way other than not telling Bekah. {For almost a week I knew about it, and I had ample opportunities to let my tongue slip up, but I didn't utter a word. I deserve a gold medal or something. Just sayin'. }

I was in charge of videoing the moment, while staying hidden. {Because Owen didn't want Bekah to see us until afterwards.} With the help of my ever-loving brothers and sister, I was able to find "the perfect spot". In the middle of 3 bushes.

The plan: Owen brings Bekah to the stage. Taylor and Logan {friends from church} play a song. Owen and Bekah start dancing. When the song ends, Owen proposes. Then we proceed to jump our of our bushes and from behind the walls to cheer and hug and maybe even get emotional.

Isaac, Spencer and I were all in the bushes when they came. The boys were moving and 'whispering' and I was like, "Y'all. Seriously? Shush."

They started dancing...and then Owen proposed and Bekah was in shock. And then she said yes. And then I jumped up from my cramped position and brushed sticks and mulch off of my poor legs and said "Surprise!" {I'm pretty sure I ruined their little moment. But y'all, my legs were in pain.}

-I have been having trouble uploading the video, so I don't have it ready yet. But my sista was able to get some great pictures, so I'll just post those. :)-

She didn't suspect anything. All she was worried about: "I'm not wearing dancing shoes!"

Owen was gettin' a lil nervous!

This must have been when I jumped out of the bush.




They're precious.
Bekah was so surprised. And incredibly excited.

The group.
I'm so glad this has finally happened. We've been waiting for so long for them to get engaged. And I am sooooo glad I was able to be a part of this!! Bekah is one of my favorite people in the world. She has been such an example for me and I just adore her. Owen's pretty cool too I guess. :)
So. Yep. I witnessed a proposal. And it was amazing.


Unknown said…
How did I not know that you had a blog?! Goodness. *adding to Bloglovin* Can't wait to read in the future!
Rebekah S. said…
Awwww, Neva, you are so sweet!!! You're one of my most favorite people in the world, too! I love this post, girlie! It brings back all the emotions of that amazing day. I may have to go back and read it again. hahaha And you were so right, I just couldn't believe I didn't have my dancing shoes!!!! lol Little did I know what was coming! ;)

Love you, girl!!!! <3 And your excitement! :) It makes this all the more fun and special. And I am soooo proud of you for keeping it a secret! You didn't let on at all! Very impressive! :D

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