{you are loved beyond measure}

Before I even existed, they were there. Dreaming, planning and getting excited about the idea of me. 
When I was growing and developing, before I entered the world, they were there. Thinking of names, decorating rooms, buying clothes and accessories. 
When I was new, they were there. Crying tears of joy and indescribable love. 
When I was little and helpless, they were there. Up at all hours of the night, feeding, changing, rocking and comforting me. 'Oohing' and 'ahing' over each little thing about me and my innocent sweetness. 
As I grew and learned, they were there. Celebrating my first steps and words. Catching me when I fell, wiping my tears away and whispering words of comfort. Encouraging me to try my best and praising my every success. Teaching me through my mistakes and helping me through my failures. Speaking constant words of love and encouragement. 
My parents are one of the biggest blessings in my life, a blessing that I constantly take for granted and forget just how fortunate I am to have such wonderful parents as they are. 

The older I get, I realize how much I owe them, how much I need them, how much I love them. I realize how much they love me. Their love is constant. Their love is never failing. Their love is encouraging. Their love is true. Their love is raw. Their love is real. Their love is patient. Their love is forgiving. Their love is kind. 

Their love is selfless.

If I have learned just one thing about my parents, it's that they love us with a selfless love. Every day they put themselves aside and pour their lives into us. Separately and together, they love us with a love that is unselfish and true.

 They aren't perfect, no one is, but they are living their lives in such a way that shows His perfection.

 This week my dad posed these 2 questions in regards to a class he was teaching:

1.) What have I taught you?
2.) What have you learned?

 Those 2 questions got me thinking beyond the contents of his class though...they got me thinking about the impact that my parents have had and continue to have in my life.

What have they taught me?

Mama and Daddy, you've taught me so much. Where do I begin?
You've taught me how to walk, talk, run, read, write, draw, ride a bike, play games, whistle, sing songs, clean, cook, have fun.
You've taught me how to share and speak kind words. You've taught me to say "I'm sorry" and to forgive others. You've taught me to not give up too easily, to do my best, no matter what.
You've taught me the most important thing: You taught me that He offers the only Hope to Salvation and eternal life. You've taught me to continually put myself aside and run to Him in my time of trouble.
You've taught me a lot and continue to do so every day....This short list can't even begin to cover all that you have taught me.

What have I learned?

Watching you live as not just humans, but as husband/wife and parents, I have learned an abundance. I've learned that life is hard...marriage and parenting are no walk in the park, they come with many trials and tribulations.  Watching you, I've learned that soft words really do turn away anger, and that forgiving is so much better than living with regret and hurt. I've learned to never assume upon someone else's thoughts and actions. I've learned that it's not about me. I've learned that to truly live AS Christ's, we must live FOR Him constantly. I've learned that trials come. I've learned to fully trust in our Sovereign King rather than fret and worry.
I've learned that true love isn't all chocolate and roses (although, dear Daddy, you're doing it so right by sending those things to mama while you're out of town. Right on.) ...I've learned that true love is shown through words and actions. Promises kept and sacrifices given.

I'm a lot to deal with...It seems I can't go a day without messing up, and yet you haven't thrown me out on the street.
My siblings and I are rough on you, trying your patience several times too many on any given day, and yet you love us. Unconditionally, you love us no matter what.

You have done so much for us. For me. And you won't stop, as I grow up and prepare for whatever is next for me, I am confident that I will always have you.

I owe you, a lot.

Thank you mama and daddy. Y'all are the best and I love you more than I could ever say. 


Unknown said…
Wow! This is beautifully written Neva! Your parents are great role models. They have a pretty awesome daughter too ;)

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