{dear daddy}

After trying and trying to determine what kind of guy I wanted as a husband I finally came to a decision that I believe most girls come to at some point. I prayed a prayer that went something like this: Dear God, please bring me a man just like my daddy.

Because, you now what?

My daddy is the best guy.

When I was little he was my hero, and that hasn't changed one bit as I have grown up...in fact it has just become so much more true. He is my hero. 
My dad is an imperfect human, just like the rest of tus. He is a sinner. He struggles with stuff. He doesn't know everything.  But he is still my hero...you know why? Well, I guess I'll tell you.

He's my hero because: God is his first priority. 
 For years I have sat in the congregation on Sunday morning and heard my dad preach the Truth. For years I have sat around our kitchen table and listened to him talk to us about Jesus and helping us to understand more. For years I have heard he and my mom talk and pray about so many things. For years I have been with him when he is talking to other people about the gospel. 
 Dad knows he is an imperfect and failible human, and he admits it. But he has given his life to Jesus and strives to live in a way that brings glory and honer to Him. My dad loves his Savior, and it's not hard to tell. Not only in the way he shares the gospel and brings others to the feet of Jesus, but in the way he encourages us and everyone around us to do the same. If you know my dad even a little, you have more than likely heard him say, "I just want people to know Christ." And while he does get distracted like the rest of us, by God's grace he always goes back to Jesus and brings us with him. 

He's my hero because: of the way he loves my mama.
 My mom and dad's love story is one that I will always adore hearing and one that I will treasure forever and ever....one of my favorite parts is when my mom says: "He came up and offered to carry my bags and I was so surprised because no guy had ever done that for me before." It's because he's one of a kind, and my mom says that a lot too.
 My dad is a romantic...he is a pretty great boyfriend. Not only does he send my mom flowers, or buy her favorite chocolates, or plans surprise weekend get aways, or takes her on dates "just because"....but he loves her in the way he talks about and to her. He loves her in the way he encourages her and serves her. He loves her in the way he leads and guides her.
 Separately they are sinners, lost and broken. And together they are still sinners, lost and broken. But in their brokenness Christ is seen as the One Who is holding them together. Their marriage isn't perfect (far from it, as they would say). But because their focus is ultimately on the perfect King, He is glorified in and through their brokenness.
 It's not hard to tell that my daddy loves my mama...their love is a beautiful thing to see and if the Lord's will for me is to get married, then I pray for a love like my parents have.

He's my hero because: his kids are one of his biggest passions.
 My dad spends time with us whenever he can. He makes time to spend with us. 
 And he loves us...he really, really loves us. He punishes us, not because he wants to, but because he loves us and he wants us to know right from wrong and to be disciplined. 
 He invests in what we love to do and helps us to pursue it. He wrestles with his boys, and watches Jane Austin movies with his girls. He hugs and kisses us all the time. He takes walks with us late at night so we can talk about our lives. He encourages us to try and pursue our dreams in a way that is diligent and wise. He celebrates our successes and helps us work through our failures.
 But the most important thing is this: He continually points us to Christ. He is straight forward in the way he talks about how we are sinners and need Christ. More than anything, I know he wants us all to be Christ's, and he strives to help us understand and know him better.

He's my hero because: he works so hard.
 I can't remember a day when my daddy hasn't come home exhausted because he has worked hard...for us. For God.
 He works from early in the morning to late in the evening, sometimes with VERY LITTLE rest in-between...and I can't think of a single time when he complained about it.

He's my hero because of the way he treats those around him with respect and kindness. He is my hero because of the way he stands up for what he believes. He is my hero because of the way he serves.
He is my hero because of the way he fixes our bathroom sink when it's broken. He is my hero because of the way he drives to the grocery store late at night to get medicine. He is my hero because I know I can call him when the car is acting funny and making terrifying noises and I'm sure it will probably blow up. He is my hero because he takes an hour out of his day to come get me when said car may not have blown up, but definitely won't start.

He is my hero because no matter what I do, where I go, or who I become I know this: He will always be there for me. There for me to talk to, laugh with, or just give me one of the greatest hugs in the world. (Because his hugs are the best.)

I'm thankful for the sarcasm we share. I'm thankful for the taste of music you have instilled in me. I'm thankful for you being an awesome, incredibly interesting guy that i can brag about to everyone...

As I am growing older and am realizing things about myself and those around me, I am learning to appreciate and cherish those the Lord has put in my life to lovingly guide and teach me.
Today I take a moment to write approx. 1,268 words about one of those people: My Daddy.

Today, and everyday, I'm thankful for the man the Lord gave me to as a daughter. I'm thankful to know him and call him my daddy.

Dear daddy: I'm growing up. My life is on the brink of changing in ways we knew were coming...one day I will move out and get married. One day you will hand me over to the man the Lord has chosen to be my husband....And while I know you dread that day, I want you to know this: I will forever be your little girl. I will forever call you daddy. I will forever love and honor you.

I'm a mess, I know. (Most of it I get from you...) And I know I have and probably will again disappoint you in someways, but thanks for loving me despite that. Thanks for showing me what grace means.
Thank you for showing me Jesus, for introducing me to the best Man there ever has been and ever will be.

I said I wanted a guy just like my daddy...Well, unfortunately that's impossible because he is one of a kind. But I'm thankful for the standards he has set, the model he has given me to look for in my future Mr.

I love you daddy! <3 p="">


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