{family love}

I'm just gonna say it.

My family is amazing.


Yesterday we went to the aquarium. We bought a membership, because it was cheaper that way.

Friday just so happens to be the same day all of the schools go to the aquarium for a field trip. oh joy. We were constantly counting heads and making sure they were the right heads. I almost started herding a group of little boys the same size as ours, but then I noticed "Oh. These aren't our boys." Oops. I apologize to any parent I might have freaked out. I really wasn't trying to kidnap your children.

Aside from being extra careful not to lose any Morse kids, we had a great time! But as a little "note to self" thingy... It's extremely hard to get good pictures when your in a dark aquarium. I used my flash twice, but then I turned it off because I didn't want to blind any fish. Or people.  That's my excuse for the dark, blurry pictures.

Ben isn't a huge fan of getting his picture taken. Especially with me ;)

Jake, on the other hand, is always ready and willing to jump in!

Blessing was enthralled by the glass and water. The fish almost went unnoticed. :)

But the butterflies are a different story. One landed on her arm and she stared at it.

It was adorable. Just sayin'.

Our aquarium has the longest escalators. Which is cool, cause our family loves escalators.

He's too cool to smile.

happy belated birthday to the best daddy ever. I love you.

I'll admit it. Penguins are pretty cute.

This is my favorite picture ever. Every one's personality comes out. It's amazing. <3

Jelly fish! They're my favorite.

"I shall name him squishy..."

Dark room with mirrors + my un-suspecting brothers = perfect time for a flash pictures. :)

Emma was all smiley and adorable, and her brothers....crazy

What do we do with the "mirror" windows? Take pictures. What else?

I just thought of this...there were probably people on the other side laughing at us.

Daddy and his iPad.

Mama and 2 of her boys. :)

Blessing's little legs can only walk for so long.

sweetest 3-year-old-kid ever.

There's our family Friday for ya. It's late. I'm tired. Goodnight.


Anonymous said…
Love the pictures!! Sounds like y'all had a fun day :) ~Leslie

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