These last few weeks in the Morsel house have been a mix between extremely busy and wonderfully lazy. After recovering from a glorious weekend at the beach, applying aloe gel every morning, noon and night to my peeling/burning/still-red-as-a-lobster-skin, getting back into the school that I should have done weeks ago, taking long walks with Blessing, reading like crazy, practicing choir music, texting friends, planning get togethers, planning on planning our garden, sleeping in late, trying new recipes, making grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon...must I go on?

One of the "big" things that happened is this:

We released the hawks.

After months of training, and feeding, and freaking out-ing, and hunting with the beautiful, amazing birds, we had to let them go. When you catch hawks, the deal is you train them. You hunt them. You enjoy them. Then you make them fat and let them go back into the wild. Hoping that whatever you taught them about hunting sticks with them and they can live on their own.

It was a sad day. Daddy and Spencer were pretty depressed. I was almost afraid they were gonna start crying. And that would have been more than slightly awkward. I've never seen my dad cry, and the only time I've seen Spencer cry is when... {never mind}

Anyway, a few Saturdays ago we {Daddy, Spencer, Isaac, Corban and I} ventured out to one of the wildlife places we recently discovered. I tagged along to "...document this sad, sad day."

Spencer and Bane.

Okay. I admit. I wasn't as broken hearted over letting the birds go. And to tell the truth, I wasn't all that thrilled to be walking through thorns and tall grass that no doubt had a million ticks just waiting for an opportunity to jump on me. But the place was gorgeous. And gorgeous places + me + my camera = what hawks? I'm taking pictures of the sun and bluebirds on signs and the tall tick-filled-grass. :)

Oh, and my brothers being crazy. That too. it is. The releasing of the bird #1.

Saying goodbye....

Bane: "On my own. Pretending he's beside me..." 

Sorry. I couldn't resist. ;)

Now it's time for daddy to let his bird go. I told him to smile. But he said "Why would I smile? I'm not happy." Awwww.

There goes Risk.


So now our guys are "hawkless". They're counting down the days till August, when they can trap some more and repeat the process. According to the app or something daddy downloaded to keep track of how much longer they have to wait, it's like 3 months, 5 days, 22 hours and 34 seconds. Or something like that.



Another "semi-bid" thing...I got approximately 5 inches of hair cut from my head!!!
 My amazing sister did a wonderful job and I love it. But I kinda miss my long locks... Oh well. It'll grow back. And until it does, I'll enjoy the easiness of having "shorter" hair.

Dear Cilla, I found this picture from our amazingly fun day a while ago. Remember? Trying out every mattress in Sears? And being secret agents? And eating a whole lot of expensive candy? *sigh* Let's do it again.


Anonymous said…
the hawks are so beautiful!

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