
I slept for approximately 7.5 hours last night. And that was after an afternoon of playing ultimate Frisbee for 3 hours and then staying out till 10:45pm with amazing people. During those 7.5 hours, I woke up about 6 times due to a cat continually walking on my head and a sister {shall remained un-named} who was snoring. I'm incredibly tired and I'm not really sure how I'm still moving at this point. I feel like I think a zombie might. Don't get the wrong idea here. I don't really think about zombies. Ever. Well, now I am. And that's weird. But we're moving on. Because my fingers are about to give out, and I am wishing I hadn't decided to stop soda-drinking. I need caffeine right now. Either that or a milkshake.

Wednesday afternoon was cool and windy. I braved the wind and walked down the giant hill with the 2 toddlers. They thought it was awesome, and I thought I was freezing. Actually, I WAS freezing.

I hate sand. I do. I had laundry duty the week after our beach vacation...and ever since then, sand and me = huh-uh. But I drew in the sand. The kids drew in the sand. We had a big sand party. We got a lil crazy with the sand and I guess the look on my face told Creed that I was okay with him throwing sand at me.

Sand party = over.

Do you have $1.75 in quarters that is weighing you down? Here's an idea: Give it to a 3 year old, bring him to a pond with a "Duck Food Dispenser"  and enjoy watching him try to figure out how the thing works.

It's probably not a good idea, however, to let a 2 year old girl who can't tell the difference between duck food and human food, to work the dispenser. Don't tell mom, but Blessing almost ate an entire hand full of duck food like it was M&M's.

The ducks didn't come close enough to the edge, the kids {and I} couldn't throw far enough, and the wind was blowing quite hard, so I'm not really sure if any of the duck food ended up in the ducks, but it was cool.

Heart melted. Y'all, I have the sweetest brothers Creed was so gentle when he was pushing Blessing! Seriously the cutest thing.

We played a game where we had to hide from the "ninjas". Blessing couldn't care any less about evil ninjas, and just wanted to climb the colorful wall, but Creed on the other hand, was very serious about the whole thing.

~play practice~

676. That's how many pictures I had on my camera from this past Thursday and Saturday. Plus 5+ videos. It was the firt time I actually ran out of memory. I had my camera set on "sports", so it took like 3 pictures every time I clicked the button. Thus: I now have 3 copies of every single picture. Fantastic.


Thursday we had to wear makeup. It was hot and itchy and terrible, but at the same time hilarious to see.

I am so glad I don't have to wear a mustache this year. But these studs pull it off well. ;)

Isaiah the Barbie Doll.

And here's a non-play-practice-related picture. Because it's stinking adorable.

Saturday we wore costumes. They were hot, itchy, and uncomfortable. But they looked amazing.

When your younger siblings have control of your camera, there is bound to be many pictures like this. And I love them.


 Don't think any bad thoughts. Yet. Let me explain. My brother does NOT have hair like that. That is a terrible, ridiculous wig that he had to wear. Don't judge. You can laugh. A lot. That's okay, because I definitely have. But don't judge. ;)

Our amazing instrumentalists.

Camdon died.

{Kristen and Sarah showing off our awesome night gowns! Be jealous.}

My gorgeous friend...Elliana.

What the crazies behind the scenes.

He's adorable.

 All sunburned and pathetic, I say good night. I'm going to bed now.


Anonymous said…
that's a lot of pictures girly!! I can't think of anything to say so I'll just say something 'awesome'... I like to eat apples and bananas, I like ti iit ipplis ind bininis, E leke te eet epples end benenes, A lake ta aat applas and bananas...you get the point. Good thing I am not there to sing it to you cause I so would. Well there is one minute wasted of everyone's time who read this. But there is my 'awesome' comment Neva. :P

I will remained unnamed. neva you should know who I am...

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