
Showing posts from June, 2013

{bucket list item #32}

Actually I have no idea what number it is on my incredibly long "Bucket List", but it's somewhere in that range.   What is?   Witness a proposal.    How sweet and precious it is to watch a man ask a young lady to marry him. Take that sweetness and multiply it times a lot when the man and sweet young lady are some of your really good friends.   That's how my week started.   ~Owen and Bekah...the proposal~     Owen had told us last week about his plans to pop the question, and we {a small group of friends and family from church} helped to make sure it came off without a hitch. Well, I didn't really help in any way other than not telling Bekah. {For almost a week I knew about it, and I had ample opportunities to let my tongue slip up, but I didn't utter a word. I deserve a gold medal or something. Just sayin'. } I was in charge of videoing the moment, while staying hidden. {Because Owen didn't want Bekah to see us until a