Meet the Family

These people are my favorite people.

First there's my parents. The 2 people who will love my siblings and I forever. The 2 people who love each other so much. The 2 people who love God and are such good examples to anyone and everyone around them.
My daddy is tall, dark and handsome. (Mama says that she's sure every singles one of the Disney princes were made in his likeness.)  He's funny, and smart, and strong and has a beard. {'nuff said}
My mama is gorgeous. She is patient and loving and kind. She puts up with me, which is hard to do. She teaches us every day. She does all she possibly can to make sure we're happy and that we are the best we can be.

There's my older sister, Hannah. She's 23 and we are totally different in so many areas, but then we are exactly the same in others. I love her and hope we're never separated...I despise her and wish she would go away. {it's called sisterhood} Sometimes we sit together in complete silence, other times we have deep conversations about our lives and others we sing at the top of our lungs along with the radio in her little silver car. She a fantabulous example for me as I grow in my relationship with the Lord, my family and everyone around me.

This is Spencer, my 21 year old brother who is basically the coolest dude ever. He is smart, handsome, funny, strong, a good singer and he loves the Lord. He and I tease each other a lot and sometimes we clash really bad, but he is my big bro and I adore the heck out of him.

My 18 year old little brother could really be my father. He is wise way beyond his years and he amazes me daily with his patience, strength, knowledge, kind heart and love for Jesus. We are best friends, a relationship I hope lasts forever and ever. People sometimes think we're twins, which makes me happy, because he is awesome and I wanna be just like him when I grow up.

Emily Marie is 16, but her heart and attitude towards others could be mistaken for someone much much older. She is sweet as can be and her servant heart is an example to all. She has an eye for detail and pays attention  to everything around her. She may not be loud and very outgoing, but she is quick to make sure everyone feels welcome. Her heart for the Lord is evident in all of her words and actions, and she is continually encouraging me by the way she simply lives for her Savior. She's a gem for sure.

Katherine Margaret (Katie for short) is 7 minutes younger than her twin sister Emily but about 1/4 inch taller. She has the same spunk and wit that I do and it makes me proud to hear her crack a joke or nail a sarcastic response. She has a heart for littles and adores them almost as much as I do. It is a precious thing to see her grow closer to God, to witness the work He has done in her life, and to see her respond to His grace by sharing it with others around her.

Corban Alexander is 14, but he is smarter than your average 25 year old. {...} He knows just about everything there is to know about planes and tanks and flight simulators and robots. He is usually outside testing out his latest airplane creation made out of paper/foam/wood/whatever-other-material-he-can-find-to-use, or making us laugh with his crazy-fast wit. He is growing into such a wonderful young man. 

Benjamin Owen is 13 years old and the most precious little-growing-into-a-man boy. He is funny and smart. He has a servant heart and loves working hard, either on his own, or with his dad and brothers. {Which he especially loves} Ben is a light for Jesus. I love hearing him tell his friends about his Savior and what He has down for us all.

At 12 years old, our sweet Stephen Jacob is a joy to be around. He loves to play with his always-growing collection of Toy Story toys. He is quick to give hugs and kisses and a smile. Jake is a tough kid, and brave too. His size doesn't stop him from getting right into a brotherly-brawl and sometimes he even comes out on top. 

Creed O'brien is one hunk of a 8 year old boy. He is a strong willed child {a blessing and curse} Creed adores his older brothers and spending time with them. He likes to build different creations out of legos and show them off to whoever will sit and listen to him for 10+ minutes. He has a tender side to him, which especially shows through when he is with our kitty.

As the baby of the family, Blessing Amelia is as spoiled loved as can be. Going on 6 years old, this child is a performer. She loves to dance, sing, act, and talk. Goodness gracious, she could talk your ear off I'm sure. She has definitely been a blessing to us, and we don't know what we would do with out her. She has every single person she meets wrapped around her little finger. 


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