
Hello there. I'm Neva Dele.

I'm an 20 year old red-head who loves the color blue, sunsets, donuts, well-written books, hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows, puppies, big fields full of wild flowers, porch swings, early morning walks, the smell of the ocean, flannel, fuzzy socks, snuggling with babies, singing songs at any time and in any place, sleeping in, staying up all night with friends, movie marathons, NOT running, blue eyes, curly hair and all the chocolate...

I am a redeemed sinner, living in the light of God's glorious gospel. I am a mess, held together by His grace alone! I am daily reminded of how small I am, how dark my heart is, and how much I need Christ in my life. He is so good and faithful. Perfect in love. Sovereign over every detail of my life. I'm a mess...but He is a beautiful, perfect Savior Who had called me His own, and I praise His name for that! Amen!

Until the glorious day when I meet my Lord, I reside in lovely Tennessee with my crazy, far-from-normal family of 13. There are 11 of us kids and we belong to the most amazing parents of all time and existence. 6 brothers and 4 sisters definitely drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't trade a single moment with those weirdos I call my siblings.

I've grown up a pastor's kid. I adore being outside. Reading is a favorite pastime, as is Netflix and Oreos in bed. Baking bread has become something I enjoy doing immensely, but mostly I just love to eat it warm and slathered with honey butter. Photography is slowly turning from a hobby to a passion on mine. I am also obsessed with rice crispy treats.


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