{I'm the kind of person...}

...who reads a very well written, amazingly inspiring, just plain happy blog and then feels like a good writer and inspired and happy and in the mood to write a post full of  cool words combined to make sentences that give people the same chills I just got.
I'm the kind of person who sits down on the lawn chair used for the computer, in the midst of boys throwing pillows and jumping from the sofa to a mattress, fully prepared to write something great.
I'm the kind of person who then realizes this: I have nothing exciting to write about.
I'm the kind of person who, after reading about families dealing with weddings and new babies and all things grand, feels almost bored with my own life.
But then a 2 year old princess walks out from her nap. Her hair is a mess, she's dragging her worn-out blanket and has her pudgy little arms wrapped around a fluffy dog toy with pink bows on it's ears. She comes to me and climbs right into my lap and then just snuggles.
I ask her if she slept good and she nods her head. I tell her I love her and she whispers back: "I love you too, Mimi."
I'm the kind of person whose heart is so easily melted at the cuteness of precious children.
I'm the kind of person who is so blessed. I'm the kind of person who has so much more than I deserve.
I'm the kind of person who is alive today because of the amazing grace our heavenly Father has on us.
I'm the kind of person who takes way too much for granted. I forget how incredibly blessed I really am.
I'm the kind of person who is learning to not take my life for granted. I'm trying to love more, to live more, to laugh more. I'm trying to respond with kindness instead of impatience. I'm trying not to get annoyed with loud boys, and instead enjoy having fun with them. I'm trying to be more respectful and more patient and more understanding and kind.
I'm the kind of person who is striving to serve God and to love Him with my whole heart.
I might not have weddings to attend, or new babies to hold...but I do have crazy brothers who make me laugh in the little green truck on the way home from cross country practice. I have an older sister who is the bomb-diggety-bomb and makes amazing desserts. I have little brothers who astound me with their lego creations. I have twin sisters who love to confuse people and dress EXACTLY alike all the time. I have a baby sister who loves to wear pretty dresses and dance like a ballerina. I have a who Daddy teases me without mercy. I have a Mom who finally has a Facebook, and despite how much she says she doesn't, she really likes it.
I have a great family, full of many different personalities and talents. I live in a house that is full of laughter and playing and singing and dancing and drama and wonderful food and crazy stories and sarcasm and lots and lots of love.
I have a might, mighty Savior who loves me and is so graciously allowing me to live the life I do.
Exciting things like weddings and new babies are somewhere in our future {hopefully! :o}, but until then I'll stop being silly and continue to post about my life. And you'll just have to deal with it.
So that blog that I read? It really did make me feel giddy and all excited about writing something that might possibly do the same thing to someone else. But instead of sitting down and words pouring out of my fingertips to produce a wonderful post, I sat down and stared at the blank post for 5 minutes. This might seem ridiculously silly to y'all, but in those 5 minutes I felt stupid. I felt like I had nothing to post about that people would actually want to read. I found myself wishing something "exciting" was happening to me that I could write about.
Well, that great post I was talking about earlier didn't happen, instead, this one did. This un-intended post full of words that probably make zero sense to anyone. This journal-entry-like post is what happened.
I'm the kind of person who is done writing for now. I'm the kind of person who is going to go eat the brownies my sister just made. I'm the kind of person who sees the rainy weather outside my window and thinks: "Cheesy Hallmark movie sister time."
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11


Anonymous said…
Aww this is such a sweet post Neva! love it! -Leslie
Anonymous said…
I am the kind of person who longs for heaven... I am the kind of person who feels like he has been closer to it when he reads your posts.... I am the kind of person who just adores his girls and holds a special place in his heart for his favorite one!
Unknown said…
Was in love with this post from the first sentence...and then read your Dad's comment...and completely melted. So sweet, Neva!!
Anonymous said…
Neva, you are a wonderful writer! You make the simple things sound absolutely perfect! Thanks for reminding me to be content with my non-exciting but perfectly amazing life! And by the way, you wrote a "very well written, amazingly inspiring, just plain happy" blog post! I'm inspired. Love you girl! :)

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