
I just made that up. It's not a real thing. I don't even really know what it means.
But it'll work. Because it's Monday...and I'm just posting some random pictures from the past few weeks. I'm photo dumping. {Whatever in the world that might mean, I'm doing it.}
Meet the 3 sweet kiddos I babysit on Tuesdays: This is Hannah. She dubbed me the best babysitter. #whatup

This is Elliot.

And this chunk is Hudson. He is a really happy baby. {Really he is, not sure what was ging through his mind right now. Probably: "This girl is weirding me out."}

Little Mr. Elliot is adorable. Such a crazy boy. He calls me "Eve" and his mom says he talks about me all the time.

And this girl. Well, you know who she is: Blessing, the little diva who has us all wrapped around her always-into-something finger.

But y'all, she's adorable.

And here's me, waiting in my sister's new car {!!} in a parking lot, doing what I do: taking random pictures of myself in the rear view.

 fuzzy little caterpillar

pretty pink flower

little red ant friend

Honey, my pup.

*end of dumping*
I have to go dance with a 2 year old to Madagascar/King Julian rap music now. Have a blessed night.


Anonymous said…
Ummm... No falcons?
Anonymous said…
Geneva, you NEED to post!!! Looking forward to Friday! :-)


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