{a very Morsel thanksgiving}

{We went to Georgia and stayed at my Aunt and Uncle's Wednesday evening-Saturday Morning. My grandparents and all of our aunts and uncles and cousins on my dad's side were there.}
27 Morsels...90 yummy rolls...2 big turkeys...lots of plates and cups and forks and spoons and about million napkins...
That's basically what my Thanksgiving looked like. And it was absolutely wonderful. Aside from all of the delicious food and incredibly comfortable memory foam bed I got to sleep in, {by myself!} the company was beyond amazing. Having my dad, his dad, and his brothers all in the same vicinity is always entertaining and fun....In the same room: Loud. Sitting at the same table: Insane.
We played several games of the Morsel favorite: Hearts. {Which, somehow I won. Once. It was a one-time, beginners-luck kinda thing I'm pretty sure. And I'm pretty sure it will never happen again. Ever. In fact, the very next night I failed miserably.}If only I could express how much intensity there is to this game when my dad, uncles and grandfather play together, but I really can't. They play strategically and they count cards and they are ruthless. {Most of the time} Hannah, Spencer, Isaac and I...don't. Well, Hannah and Spencer try to try, and they actually take it a little seriously. But Isaac and I don't. We just try to slip by without losing the most. We show each other our cards, and laugh at each other's misfortunes. All of us have fun though. Really. We came away from the week saying that one of our favorite parts of the trip was playing cards late in to the night/early into the morning.
I brought my camera fully intending to annoy everyone to insanity because of how many pictures I took, but I was caught up in the craziness and, sadly, my camera spent a lot of the trip in it's bag in the basement....So, there. My excuse for the small amount of pictures I have to post.
I'm really thankful for this drama queen, who is adorable and silly and dramatic and crazy and a little diva and such a mess.
I'm thankful for cute aunts who make delicious rolls and corn casserole.
I'm really thankful for my gorgeous beyond belief sisters....

*sigh* did I mention this stinker?
I'm thankful that cleaning under bed actually profited me, and I found my shoes that I love.

I love fires. And I'm thankful for a daddy who makes a fire pit. And for the uncle who made the fire for us.

And y'all, I'm thankful for s'mores. Seriously. If you wanna make me happy, go burn a marsh mellow over a smoky fire, put it on a cracker with thick, warm chocolate, put another cracker on it and give it to me. And then go do it all over again, because goodness gracious. I love me some s'mores.

I'm thankful for brothers who are amazing and wonderful and good lookin' and funny too.
And these adorable camera-hackers? I love them.
There is so much I have to be thankful for...I am blessed with an incredible family, amazing friends, a roof over my head, warm clothes, enough food and water...chocolate.
But most of all I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who gave His life for mine.
There's my Thanksgiving post, late and random and poorly written. I hope all of y'all had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
Let's not stop being thankful though, just because "Turkey Day" has come and gone, let's not live without being thankful every second of our lives.
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:1-2


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