
...a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well then, this post  is worth a lot of words.
{warm really hot afternoons at the park}

{Older Brother's Senior banquet/graduation}

{as you look at the next 6 photos, notice how a.) a new face is added each time, and 2.) every one's expression changes multiple times}

{below is a desk my beyond amazing father and brothers built...they used it as Spencer's display table at graduation. His was the best, most interesting most awesome one there. Just saying'.}

{spending time on the front porch together} 

I've been absent from the "blogasphere" for quite some time, and I really have no new excuses. Busy? Yes. As everyone else is. I am just really bad at motivating myself to use my free time to post. the struggle is real.

As my junior year in high school is coming to a close, I realize that I procrastinated entirely too much  this past fall/spring and now...I must complete everything I slacked on during the summer. I'm not really as bummed about it as I thought I would be, because I know it will be worth it and honestly, it's won't be that bad. I mean, it's not like I have an exciting summer planned or anything.

oh wait. Yes I do. 


Guys, I was given the role of "Ado Annie" in the musical "Oklahoma". Hannah, Spencer, Isaac and I are headed for Michigan in 3 weeks for "Drama Camp" We're attending a great, Christian summer camp for 2 weeks, and at the end of those 2 weeks, Lord Willing, we'll put on the production of "Oklahoma". So right now, ontop of the joys of geometry, science and Spanish,  I'm busy memorizing lines, working on my belting voice and getting my western accent all warmed up. {I'm pretty sure I'll be sayin' 'fer', 'shore', and 'jist' for weeks and weeks afterwards. maybe ferever. :)}

Nan {which is Hannah} and I have been working out our fall schedule too. We are so blessed with so many opportunities to earn money and also watch precious children and help their sweet families. So far, starting in August, I'm completely booked with nannying jobs and house-cleaning. {so thankful and excited}

Also, I had my second photo shoot this week! A sweet family from church asked me to do their family photos for them. I so enjoyed it! I'll try to post the pictures as soon as possible, I'm still in the midst of  sorting/editing them right now {which takes FOREVER longer than I thought it would.} but hopefully I'll be finished with them by the end of this week!

So much for not writing a lot, huh? Oh well.

signing off.

"In Christ Alone, my hope is found. He is my light, my strength my song. This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm."


Unknown said…
Ok. The middle black and white porch photo may be my top favorite picture of yours so far. It's GORGEOUS. Just sayin'.

Ado Annie, how exciting!! Fun stuff, Neva. :)

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