Most guys take on things like golfing as a hobby, or fishing, or working out...

Mine took on Falconry.

(Falconry is the hunting of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey.) 

Most families have dogs or cats living in their yard. 

Mine has 3 hawks and a falcon.

It makes for great conversation starters, crowd-pleasers, most-interesting-story-contest winners. 

Falconry is a way of life, my dad and brothers would say if you asked them, falconry is the coolest thing ever and if you don't think so then you have some major problems. 

It's about training a wild hawk to fly to your arm when you whistle. It's all about catching squirrels, rabbits and small birds with a huge bird of prey. 


Most girls spend their Saturdays sleeping in, shopping for hours, or hanging out with friends...

I spent mine walking through a field scaring up rabbits with 5 of the best guys in the world.

Oh yeah, and a hawk. 


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