{oh snow}

Here in the south snow is a rarity...or so we say. Northerners may laugh at us and our inadequate snow plows, how fast our Bi-los run out of milk and bread, how schools close when news of possible flurries surface, and our inability to drive or function properly... It is laughable in some ways, laughable and true. And Cold. Winter and snow and ice are cold and I've decided I wasn't made for cold weather. I don't like it. I deal with it, but I don't like it.

We got a whopping 2  inches of snow this week...once again we were trapped to the confinements of our hilly neighborhood, with nothing else to do except stay inside and enjoy the beauty through the window from my position on my bed wrapped in my fuzzy blanket, or venture forth into the madness of snowball fights and chilly air. I chose both....the first was a more popular choice in my mind, but I am glad that I decided on the second one for as long as I did, it was enjoyable for a whole 30 minutes.

My brothers thoroughly enjoyed the snow. They made forts and snowmen and had epic snowball battles. I was included on one of the battles, but I lost so badly that I am embarrassed to relate the details fully and completely, just know that there were lots of flying snowballs, falling face first into the frozen substance, and ending with a puffy, almost black eye because my brother's aim is impeccable. 

The previously stated activities prevented yours truly from getting too many pictures for fear of my camera getting hit and potentially wounded severely. Here is what you DO get:


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