
Showing posts from September, 2015

{to share or not to share...that shouldn't be the question}

I was in the grocery store tonight, like I am A LOT of the time (we are very regular at our local grocery stores.) and as I was checking out I told the 2 cashiers who were there about something exciting...something wonderful and heavenly. I told them about Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme. "The deal is," I said, "if you talk like a pirate you get one free donut and if you dress up like a pirate you get a free dozen." I amazing is that, right? A dozen free, hot, Krispy Kreme donuts.  It is a wonderful, exciting thing. The 2 people I shared this with thought so fact they said they were definitely going to do it because who doesn't want free donuts? Especially Krispy Kreme. It was so easy to tell them about it. I felt obligated to do so too, because free donuts is something everyone should know about and take advantage of. I feel like I made their weekend that much better. So why did I beat the steering wheel on my way home in anger and f