
Showing posts from April, 2018

{more than}

Tomorrow I’ll hear all kinds of details about what the Easter bunny brought...about how much fun it was to dye eggs...about the new dress that was bought and all the pictures mom made them take before AND after church... But will I hear about Jesus? Will I SPEAK about Jesus? Did Jesus play a bigger role in my day other than #HeIsRisen? Who is risen? Risen from what?  Jesus Christ ...the Son of God the most high. The King of the world.  Perfection personified. Holiness embodied. Righteousness displayed.  Jesus Christ ...Willing to submit to His Father, living a life of humble obedience.  Leaving His throne on high.  Entering a world full of sin in order to speak of the Kingdom of God.  Living a sinless, perfectly righteous and holy life...such that no one else could possibly even imagine living.  Suffering persecution, beatings of the worst kind because of His claim to be the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah. And dying... Jesus Christ ...