{one great year done...another has just begun}

Christmas was {almost} everything Christmas should be.

It didn't snow, but freezing rain is close enough, right?

The babies were sick, and didn't get as excited as we had hoped, but they were sweet and cuddly and ate a lot of candy.

Overall, it was Christmas. And, for the most part, Christmas is always good.


It's true, our 2 littlest were too sick to fully enjoy the craziness of waking up early, eating sticky cinnamon rolls, and making a huge mess unwrapping gifts. All Blessing wanted to do was sit on my lap and watch. Creed opened his presents like "Hulk would", but instead of being like his older brothers and freaking out, he neatly put each of his things in a pile and said sweet "Thank you's"  and then sat back down and looked like he was about to fall asleep. <3

I know every family does things differently. {We definitely do a lot of things way different from everyone else. ;)}

Our parents have always taught us to enjoy watching others open their gifts instead of just worrying about waiting for ours. {It's a hard concept for excited little boys to learn...}  And Christmas only comes around once a year, so we like to savor it. To make it last.

Our Christmas morning looks something like...

-Waking up insanely early....everyone but daddy, that is. He likes to make us suffer, and stays in bed as long as he can. Which, with a bunch of little kids jumping on him, isn't very long. ;)

-Breakfast? Ha. It's amazing if we take the time to eat. I mean, stockings full of candy will be fine, right? :) No...We usually have sausage balls or cinnamon rolls. Incredibly fast.

-Mama makes THE.BEST.ROAST.EVER! So, it's become a very loved tradition for us the smell it cooking all morning in the crock pot, then enjoy a feast for lunch/dinner.

-Before we touch any gifts, we read the story of Jesus' birth from the book of Luke.

-Stockings come next...Everyone, after "ooing and awing" over their little things, go around and see what others got. Mama's stocking is usually opened last, because it usually has a Pandora charm from Daddy in it, and everyone HAS to see the addition to Mom's always-growing charm collection. ;)

-We all find a spot around the tree, and then, starting with the youngest, Daddy passes the presents out. If someone is being "Mr. Monk", and opening a present "neatly", then Daddy says, "Come on. You gotta 'Hulk it'". And if that doesn't work, then it's brothers to the rescue! And the process gets sped up. ;)

-It's hard for little boys to wait 12 turns for theirs again. And sometime Nan, Mom or I will go all control freakish on everyone, and say something like: "Y'all, this is getting crazy. Everyone sit back down and chill. We're watching _________ open their present right now."

-Every year the little kids get creative and find little things around the house to give as presents. I won't go into detail about that, instead I'll just say this: Isaac got the little toy Corban gave me last year. ;):)

-After every present is unwrapped and freaked out over, then....we have a mess. And there is really no order to the day after that. Everyone gives the hugs and "Thank You's" and "I love it so much's" and then takes their things to a safer-than-the-basement-floor place.

-The rest of the day is spent play/figuring out/loving our gifts. Oh, and eating Mom's great roast. :)



Our Christmas' are crazy. And messy. And loud. And amazing.

And if none of the above made sense to anyone else,well, oops. I tried. :p


This year, Christmas was really great. Even though we were still sickly, we were together and happy.

And my parents were pretty amazing and got me a Kindle Fire. So that was cool. :)

I hope everyone else was blessed with a lot of family-time and good food and love too.


This isthe time of year where everyone makes resolutions and commitments. I'm terrible at resoulutions. It's true, I have lists and lists of what I want to change about my life...but...

This year I want to be more loving and patient. I want to learn more about my Savior and God. I want to live a healthier life and start running again. ;)

Happy New Year, y'all. Make it great. Make it better than 2012. Let's live like there's no tomorrow, shall we?

And, You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of Your hands;
they will perish, but You remain;
they will all wear out like a garment,
like a robe, You will roll them up,
like a garment, they will be changed.
But You are the same,
and Your years will have no end.
{Hebrews 1:10-12}


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