{A buncha things}

Say the word "buncha". I love saying that word.

And now you do too.


Absent. That's pretty much the only word I can use when it comes to me and my blog lately. It's been rather....silent around here.

Well, I have come here, on the hot/breezy/insanely humid day, to fill you in on what's been going on recently. Sit back, and attempt to enjoy.

~Lake Winnie Home school Day 2013~

Every year, our local amusement park has a "Pay $17 dollars...ride all day long." kind of day. {I'm not really sure what else to call it.} Well, our home school group has taken this day, and made it "Home school Day". Every year our little kids ask about a million times "When is home school day?"

This year, the middle Morse kiddos {Emily, Katie, Corban, Ben and Jakey.} set out to save enough money for their tickets so we could all go as a family. {Because even with the discounted price, it would be incredibly expensive for our entire family of 13 to go.} To be honest, I wasn't too sure if they could do it. I would ask them every so often, "So, how much money do you have saved up?" They would reply and I would be blown away.

They ended up saving $112. For little kids whose only way to make money is finding lost coin in the cars or under the sofa cushions...and begging their older sisters for extra change, this is pretty remarkable.

They did earn a few dollars by helping Hannah and I with our cleaning job, and mama with extra chores.

I was pretty impressed. Proud, and impressed.

So, we all went to Lake Winnie last week. We packed lunches, partnered up and got our hands stamped.

Jake was my partner for the first part of the day...and he was so excited about every ride. He was ready to ride the Genie, which is a pretty intense ride for a 7 year old. I'm even a lil bit nervous on it. But he wasn't.

Creed and I rode several rides together, including the elephants. He named our #12 elephant "Dumbo" and we "flew" with it's huge ears.

I made a bet with my little brother, Ben. {I know. I'm such a bad example.} There is a free falling ride, called the "O Zone". I love it. It is so much fun. Ben said he wasn't sure he wanted to ride it or not...I offered him a little bribe, and he accepted. It was pretty hilarious to watch him ride it for the first time. :)

This girl is precious. When I met up with her and mama in the middle of the day I asked mama how she was doing. Mama replied: "She is fearless." It made my entire life to watch her ride the little kiddie rides. She would put her hands up and scream and laugh and melt my heart with her cuteness.

Those 2 kids are best friends. Sure they get into fights over a little toy horse, and they might scream at each other and maybe even fight. But they are best friends. The loving, sharing, precious times far outweigh the fighting and screaming times.

Daddy got to the park a little later in the afternoon. When he arrived, he and mama took the little kids and us older one went to do "Older kid stuff" with our friends. Like ride the train.

Ellie and I got the back seat. Which is the best seat. There was no rudeness/immaturity involved in acquiring the back seat. At all. We just...got it. ;)

We, of course, had to take flash pictures in the boat chute tunnel. Which is dark and creepy and you can't see anything. We also sang along with the people in the boat behind us. the people we didn't know, or couldn't see.

Lake Winnie was fun. It went down in our "favorite memories" book... We came home motion sick, and sunburned. But it was worth it.


We went on a family walk a few days ago. It was sunny and hot and we were in a place I have named "Tick Central". 

Blessing loves to pick flowers and give them to you sweetly saying "This flower is for you!! I love you!" Sweetest child on the entire planet.


Our high school/senior banquet was this past Friday. We curled hair, found pretty dresses, "spritzed" perfume on and joined friends for a night full of cheese cake and...interesting performances. ;)

I have the most handsome brothers, and the most gorgeous sisters.

And these are my peeps. Since moving here about 6 years ago, we have made some lifelong friends. I adore them. They are a crazy wonderful kind of people. A little weird, and some are better than others...but. You know. We're cool.



Graduation 2013

Me and the gorgeous Allie Karnes. Whom I "Loff" so very much.

 Annabelle had Hank's camera, so we decided to take some awesome pictures with it. ;)


Another important thing that happen last week, something I don't have pictures of/for, is this:

I got my driver's permit.

Yep. Hide yo' kids. Hide yo' wife. I'm driving. And it's awesome. 


"When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?" Psalm 56:3-4


Anonymous said…
Neva actually we saved up $115
Anonymous said…
haha love the comment :D Neva how dare you get the number wrong! now you can be more impressed ;)

Neva Dele said…
Glad you had fun riding the Ginnie... Didn't see that one or I probably would have taken a turn....

On a completely/totally different note... I would've liked to ride the Genie... Just didn't work out for me!
Neva Dele said…
Your name IS GEN-eva... Just saying by way...
Neva Dele said…
Signed in as Geneva...


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