{sweet things}

My 12th birthday I got a little brother. He was adorable. He was a big chunky baby. He was just perfect.
And since it was my birthday, I had special privileges. I was the first to hold him, I got to hold him longest. I was allowed to stay with mama at the hospital all night and "help out". {aka: Hold the precious baby, eat my birthday candy, and watch TV. Something we didn't get to do often.} It was definitely the best birthday ever.

4 years later this little boy is still adorable. He's still perfect.

He's four though. And that's sad and depressing and so strange. My Creed is 4? No way.

It's true though. My little birthday baby brother isn't a baby anymore. He's a big, strong, growing-into-a-wonderful-young-man boy.
He is such a joy to have around. He's smart and crazy. He's a sweetheart. He's ready to give kisses and hugs freely. He's protective of his little sister. He loves to be around his older brothers.
He's definitely a favorite over here.
Dear Creed, I love you so much. I am so glad we share a birthday!! I love you more than I can say! You are such a blessing to our family. I'm so looking forward to seeing what kind of man you grow up to be. I pray that you learn to seek the Lord in everything and love Him with your whole heart. I pray you keep your gentle spirit and love others. Creed'O, I love you buddy.
2 days before my 14th birthday, and Creed's 2nd, we got a baby sister!! Blessing Amelia was our special birthday present.
After 4 boys, and 11 years of no baby girls...we were so ready for this sweet baby girl!!
I again had special privileges...I stayed with mama and held Blessing all night. I sang to her and kissed her fuzzy head about a billion times.
Even though she wasn't born on my birthday, she was definitely the best birthday present I got.


2 years later...and she's a beautiful little girl who everyone adores so much. I seriously have no idea what we would do without her.
It's hard to say if she's a tom-boy or a girly-girl. Because, honestly, she is both all the time! One minute she's wrestling with her brothers, and the next she's showing you her "Pretty, pretty shoes and purse."
She is definitely spoiled. She's definitely a blessing to us...
Dear Blessing, you are precious. You are the perfect little sister to have! We all adore you more than words can say. You bring so much happiness to everyone. I'm so glad God blessed us with you! I pray that you will grow in Him, and learn to love Him with your whole heart. I can't believe you're 2!! I love you Blessing. A lot.
It's awkward writing a birthday dedication to yourself. So I'll just try to be as honest and humble as I can be.
16 years ago, on May 5th, the world was blessed with something amazing.
My parents got the daughter that they had always dreamed of. I was,and always will be their favorite.
From the beginning of my life, I was destined for greatness. Everyone who saw me and my wild red hair knew it. They knew that the world would never be the same again.
And they were right.
I was a wonderful addition to my family, I think. I mean, I don't really know what my family's first reaction was when they met me, but I can only imagine how happy they were.
Dear Me, your finally 16. You made it. I'm really not sure what to say, except this: You are so blessed. You have so many things to be thankful for! Stop taking it all for granted. Take advantage of this time you have. Spend your time wisely. But most of all, I pray that you stop putting yourself first. I pray that you live for the One who gave you life in the first place. Love others. Trust the Lord with your future. And never forget Whose you are.
We celebrated our 3 birthdays all weekend. Friday night, Mama and Daddy took us out to a movie and then dinner. We went to a Japanese restaurant. The kind where they cook the food right in front of you. {I will never forget the look on Creed's face when our chef started juggling knives and making huge flames...Pure terror. I'm a terrible big sister, because I was laughing so hard. But y'all, it was hilarious.}
My amazing older sister got me a pair Chacos!!!! I have wanted some for a long time...But it was either spend what I had saved on a pair, or continue to save for a new camera. The camera won, and my dream of owning Chacos was put on the back burner. Well, Hannah is awesome. She is the best. And I love my Chacos. :)
My parents gave me this "Remembrance" ring.
It's to help me remember where my heart is. Whose I am.
It has a little gold ring with a heart on it. I love it.

This locket was a gift to my mom from my grandfather when she was just 6 months old!! I love it...and will treasure it forever.
Well, 3 birthdays went by in the span of 3 days. And they were amazing! Thank you to my entire family for making our days so special!!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday dearie
Anonymous said…
post about a few of your favorite things. :)

Abs of Steel ;p
Anonymous said…
post about lake winnie or the graduation darling...
- Cocoa Bean -

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