{chaco+windows down weather}

Tennessee weather....seriously. Us Southerners must be a sight for all those Northerners...entire cities basically shut down because of a few inches of snow, and then the very next week the parks are full of Chaco-wearing, little-dog -owning people  because it feels like a warm August day. 

Oh, and there's talk of snow again on Wednesday. Just an FYI.

Anyway, yesterday the summer weather was calling to me so Hannah and I decided to take the three youngest out for the afternoon.

First thing on the list: roll the windows down, turn the radio up too loud and enjoy the wind blowing your hair every which way.

Baby girl loved having the windows down. She opened her mouth, held her hands up, and sang along with the radio from the top of her little lungs.

The boys loved it too...Creed'O was sure to tell me not to put my hand out too far because a car might rip it off...at the end of the day we all had our hands...and nothing flew out the window, so already the day is a success.

...that precious little hand belongs to a precious little girl who is constantly busy melting hearts and filling our home with sweet laughter and happiness.

cabin+little bench just-the-right-size = duh. Picture time
What was supposed to be a cute, posed picture turned into several beyond adorable, perfectly captured personality pictures that we will cherish forever and ever. Amen.

Did I mention the adorable part? Because I for one am about to die of the pure sweetness these kids are filled with.

Oh yeah. And the perfectly captured part wasn't a lie either...This happen right as I was taking the picture, and I said "I think I got it!" It wasn't till later that evening, when I was going through my pictures that I realized...I had gotten it. The perfect shot at the perfect moment...It was a huge hit on Facebook. Plus, I heard mom and dad laugh for 15 consecutive minutes late into the night about it.  

This girl has it made...4 sisters who spoil her beyond belief...and 6 older brothers who would do anything for her. Except look at the camera when I tell them too. 

We started our "hike" only to find several parts of the trail that were completely covered in mud and water. Thankfully we had a little Wilderness Guide with us, and he led us safely around each one using the little trails he found and cleared for us.

We came upon another old cabin and being our father's children, had to stop and "check it out". {Creed's exact words were: "Look at that old broken down house up there. C'mon! We better check it out."}

What would a hike through the woods be without climbing a few trees? Absolutely unthinkable, that's what.

We ended the day with a stop at Sonic and 3 hot-fudge-sundaes. sticky-sweetness-that-made-those-3-munchkins-very-happy

{chacos+flannel=a few of my favorite things}


Unknown said…
Chacos and flannel. You are truly a woman after my own heart.
Anonymous said…
This post is just filled with so much adorableness. ♥ Love it and love all the pictures, they're so personality filled!! -Leslie

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