
Spring is my favorite season. Then Summer. Then Fall. Then Winter. They all have a special thing about them that I love and adore, but Spring is the best.

Spring brings beautiful weather. 60-70 degree weather after months of 30 or below is very welcome here. 
Spring brings flowers and, oh, I love flowers. Spring brings bright, vibrant, cheerful colors. Spring brings new life. Spring brings rain.


I don't have time for a "wordy" post this morning, I have already spent too much time away from my duties, but I did want to share pictures of the goodness I have been experiencing this past week. 

God is good and worthy of worship for everything He has and continues to do for us.

{Spring = evenings at the park}

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" Psalm 34:8


Neva Dele said…
I.hate.Spring... Too many leaves... Hurry up fall!!!

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