{real life}

"I have a life outside (the blog world) you know."

I just (kinda) quoted Monsters University, and if you have 6 brothers who quote it endlessly, (like I do) then you would know that.

Our life can get crazy hectic, as can everyone's. School, cross country, the play, work, falconry, school, housework...School. you know.

I come to you this evening, as my brothers sit sprawled everywhere watching Lego Starwars, and bring you a "real life" post. A collaboration of photos both from my phone and camera....some blurry, some crisp... all priceless and to be forever treasured.

And I do this, trusting that you will be gracious and understanding as you will for sure see messy faces, dirty backgrounds and crazy hair. I am not the type of person to hide dirtiness. And let be honest, messy faces and crazy hair is the best, right?

Legos. These colorful, small, hurts-worse-than-most-anything-if-you-step-on-them blocks bring hours and hours of entertainment to the boys in our house. Their collection has grown so much over the years, it's outgrown the boxes and shelves and 2 or 10 end up on the floor everyday... {lessons in patience and graciousness learned while I sweep the floor only to find half of the pile is rainbow blocks. Maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but still. You understand, no?}

Dirty dishes. We all have 'em.  As much as I hated to do dishes when I was younger, now I realize this: washing the dishes can be peaceful and a great time to think and reflect on...whatever.

This ladies and gentlemen,  is a hawk trap. Our yard is famous in our neighborhood for having crazy things going on in it, this is just another thing to put in our list.

Soft blanket. Sister. Books. Reading. Black and white.

A few of my favorite things.

"Blueblerries" as Blessing calls them.

Oh my heart. Babysitting has to be one of the bestest jobs ever. Challenging, exhausting and hard, yes. But y'all, that sweet face...

Those arms...

Those clapping hands and precious laugh...

She is a fast crawler and will soon be a fast walker/runner too.

Oh yeah, and she and I spend sister quality time together by taking pictures of each other.

Oh Lord Jesus. Thank you for giving us sunsets like this. And eyes to see them. And mouths to sing praises to You. For You are the greatest Artist ever. Amen and AMEN.

Did I mention the falconry part too?

I do so enjoy my time in the Word. Some mornings, I admit, I get caught up in silly things and put devotions off "..till later." But the days I do this first, before anything else, go so much better than the days I say "...later."

$2 dollars might not buy much...but they will buy a pair of yellow rainboots with colorful birds from a thrift store. And those will make a 3 year old very happy. So happy she will sing and dance and spin around the house all evening.

These girls are precious to me.

In other news...Play practice started full swing last week.

And this is how we feel about shopping.

Late night trips to Bilo to get ice cream with my favorite 3 year old include running through the aisles and her saying "mmmhmm. This is a good cup of Joe." On the way home while drinking her chocolate milk.

I have also been having photo shoots, which is awesome.

Freshly baked cookies waiting for you when you get home is amazing, just so ya know.

For those nights when you stay home from church because you feel sickly and pathetic and in desperate need of chocolate, then Pinterest becomes awesome and you find easy recipes for brownies in a mug. 

I also get to watch this sweet piece of heaven 3 days a week.

And short hair makes it easier for Blessing to brush it...more painful when she scrapes your bare neck, but I guess I'll take it.

Facial party with the Best = can we do it again?

A day out with these girls means free ice water, onion rings and rice crispy treats. May be 5 each but no. Who would do that? That would be insane.

Sunday mornings can be rushed and crazy in our house...someone lost a shoe, Creed is hungry again, daddy's shirt didn't get ironed... but in the midst of that loud, insanity when Blessing comes upstairs while I'm getting ready to say "Neva! We match! We both have Jean jackets on. We look awesome."  Let's just say my heart melted.

Of course mirrior pictures have to happen sometime.

When I make peach cobbler....it's gone in 3.5 seconds.


Can we all agree that real life is the best life? I am a believer. I am a believer in messy hair and dirty dishes. In late night grocery runs in pjs and stepping on legos. 

And while at times mom goes insane and I occasionally want to close myself away and just, you know, chill and daddy and the boys have to work late, and the little kids yell constantly... this is the life I have and this is the life I love. 


Unknown said…
Loved this, Neva. Real life IS the best life. (I'm a believer, too!) Thanks for sharing. :)
Anonymous said…
I love this, and you!

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