
Showing posts from December, 2014

{merry Christmas folks}

The time of year in which red and green, jingle-bell songs, star-shaped sugar cookies covered in sprinkles, pine scent throughout the house, wrapping paper cuts, shopping frenzies, holiday cards, gingerbread houses, tacky sweater parties, anticipation, lists, stress, online shopping, hoping it arrives in time-ing, peppermints, hot's everywhere. You can't turn on the TV without seeing a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie. Every radio station is playing Christmas music...both the annoying ones and your favorites. All the stores have their shelves and walls and even ceilings weighed down with crazy decorations. Driving through your neighborhood means a mini light show. Late night snacks end up being leftover sugar cookie dough. {which is the best} Christmas hymns are sung at church. Little brothers count down the days to the glorious morning of Christmas. It's December, y'all, and that means Christmas time. It means braving the mall and sh

{my people, my loves, my favorites}

Take this girl...sweet, beautiful and basically a most incredible little sister of mine. There's her. Kit-kat. The sister who is pretty much just like me. Scary as that is, it's also kind of awesome. Oh. And then there's these precious, adorable, heart-melters. Seriously? I can't even take it.  Because... ...I mean. Look at them.  There's my sweet baby sister who gets as excited as who-knows-what when we take her to see Cinderella in a red-velvet-curtained, gold staircases, glass chandeliers theatre. How can your heart NOT leap out of your chest when you see this?  My dad and brother? Pretty much the coolest kids on the block with their hawks and falcons and stuff. Yep. They stole Thanksgiving. Cousins are awesome and I love that, even though we may not see each other often, we can play a hardcore game together and basically be bff's. Spinning princesses in gorgeous sunlight? C'mon.