{Take me, Lord}

We don't suffer a shortage of words in our language, but sometimes organizing words is hard. Finding the right ones can prove to be nearly impossible. Try and try as you might, the words you wish you had aren't there. The sentences you wish to form aren't forming. The paragraphs you wanted to write are blank because you have trouble expressing exactly what your heart is feeling and your brain is thinking. Stupid brain, why are you so difficult? Just work with me here. I'm graduating in 16 days. The questions have been rolling in for quite sometime now, and you'd think by now I would have come up with good, wise answers to them. "Where are you going to college?" Um, I'm not. "What are you going to do with your life?"/"What are your future plans?" Well, my biggest dream has always been to be a wife and mother, so Lord willing... "But what about a career?" What about it? As you can see, I have yet to...