
Showing posts from June, 2015

{dear little sisters}

First off, you are beautiful. I am in awe of the Lord's creation when I look at your faces, your eyes, your hair and most of all your smile. I find myself staring at you and wondering "How in the world did I get blessed with such gorgeous little sisters?" I hear your laughs and I can't help but join in, I listen to you sing and can't keep myself from getting chills all through my body. I adore introducing you to people and being able to say: "These are MY sisters."  You have become my best friends, and I have the most fun when I am with y'all. I will treasure all of the memories we have made and look forward to the many more we will make, Lord willing.  I am thankful for you girls. I love you more than words could ever express. It has been a beautiful thing for me to witness the Lord's work in your lives. Seeing you study His word, writing it on your hearts, has been been an encouragement to me more than you will ever know. Hea

{summer days}

Summer days are made for spontaneous trips to the playground to have a picnic of pizza and ice water and then play for hours in the bright sunshine and cool breeze. (Yes, pizza. Cheesy, thick crusted pizza. Dear moms sitting at the table across from me with you fruit/veggie/some-kind-of-organic-stuff lunches for your kids, don't worry...I gave them water and fudge pops to cancel the pizza out.) I hope every one else's days are filled with as much fun and sunshine as our have been so far!