
Showing posts from March, 2013

{family love}

I'm just gonna say it. My family is amazing . ~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday we went to the aquarium. We bought a membership, because it was cheaper that way. Friday just so happens to be the same day all of the schools go to the aquarium for a field trip. oh joy. We were constantly counting heads and making sure they were the right heads. I almost started herding a group of little boys the same size as ours, but then I noticed "Oh. These aren't our boys." Oops. I apologize to any parent I might have freaked out. I really wasn't trying to kidnap your children. Aside from being extra careful not to lose any Morse kids, we had a great time! But as a little "note to self" thingy... It's extremely hard to get good pictures when your in a dark aquarium. I used my flash twice, but then I turned it off because I didn't want to blind any fish. Or people .  That's my excuse for the dark, blurry pictures. Ben isn't a hug


I slept for approximately 7.5 hours last night. And that was after an afternoon of playing ultimate Frisbee for 3 hours and then staying out till 10:45pm with amazing people. During those 7.5 hours, I woke up about 6 times due to a cat continually walking on my head and a sister {shall remained un-named} who was snoring . I'm incredibly tired and I'm not really sure how I'm still moving at this point. I feel like I think a zombie might. Don't get the wrong idea here. I don't really think about zombies.  Ever . Well, now I am. And that's weird. But we're moving on. Because my fingers are about to give out, and I am wishing I hadn't decided to stop soda-drinking. I need caffeine right now. Either that or a milkshake . Wednesday afternoon was cool and windy. I braved the wind and walked down the giant hill with the 2 toddlers. They thought it was awesome, and I thought I was freezing. Actually, I WAS freezing. I hate sand. I do. I had laun