
Showing posts from May, 2013

{A buncha things}

Say the word "buncha". I love saying that word. And now you do too. ~~~~~~~~~~ Absent. That's pretty much the only word I can use when it comes to me and my blog lately. It's been rather....silent around here. Well, I have come here, on the hot/breezy/insanely humid day, to fill you in on what's been going on recently. Sit back, and attempt to enjoy. ~Lake Winnie Home school Day 2013~ Every year, our local amusement park has a "Pay $17 dollars...ride all day long." kind of day. {I'm not really sure what else to call it.} Well, our home school group has taken this day, and made it "Home school Day". Every year our little kids ask about a million times "When is home school day?" This year, the middle Morse kiddos {Emily, Katie, Corban, Ben and Jakey.} set out to save enough money for their tickets so we could all go as a family. {Because even with the discounted price, it would be incredibly expensive fo
I'm currently sitting in the bed of my brother's truck...enjoying a wonderful breeze, listening to the "Anthem Lights" Pandora station...and getting bothered by a silly little bug. It really is a beautiful evening...after an incredibly hot...boiling...steaming... Sweltering day, this is really making me happy. I'm fairly positive that I am not the first website everyone checks daily...or that anyone relies on me to get I am pretty sure that y'all know about the tornado that destroyed Moore, OK. The one that killed a number of people. Many children died. How devastating this news was to my ears! It broke my heart. And I really have no other words than these: we MUST pray. We must pray for everyone who has been hit by this. We must pray for those who lost loved one. For those who lost their homes. I don't know why things like this happen. Except for...God is in control. We must pray and ask for his wisdom. Comfort. Peace. Today Mama and

{sweet things}

  My 12th birthday I got a little brother. He was adorable. He was a big chunky baby. He was just perfect.     And since it was my birthday, I had special privileges. I was the first to hold him, I got to hold him longest. I was allowed to stay with mama at the hospital all night and "help out". {aka: Hold the precious baby, eat my birthday candy, and watch TV. Something we didn't get to do often.} It was definitely the best birthday ever.     4 years later this little boy is still adorable. He's still perfect. He's four though. And that's sad and depressing and so strange. My Creed is 4? No way.       It's true though. My little birthday baby brother  isn't a baby anymore. He's a big, strong, growing-into-a-wonderful-young-man boy.   He is such a joy to have around. He's smart and crazy. He's a sweetheart. He's ready to give kisses and hugs freely. He's protective of his
These last few weeks in the Morsel house have been a mix between extremely busy and wonderfully lazy. After recovering from a glorious weekend at the beach, applying aloe gel every morning, noon and night to my peeling/burning/still-red-as-a-lobster-skin, getting back into the school that I should have done weeks ago, taking long walks with Blessing, reading like crazy, practicing choir music, texting friends, planning get togethers, planning on planning our garden, sleeping in late, trying new recipes, making grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon...must I go on? One of the "big" things that happened is this: We released the hawks. After months of training, and feeding, and freaking out-ing, and hunting with the beautiful, amazing birds, we had to let them go. When you catch hawks, the deal is you train them. You hunt them. You enjoy them. Then you make them fat and let them go back into the wild. Hoping that whatever you taught them about hunting sticks with