
Showing posts from January, 2015

{You remember that time we were normal? Neither do I}

"What's the weirdest part of our family?" Ben: "Your face." Blessing: "Um...this plate." *points to the ice-cream-covered saucer she just finished eating birthday cake off of* ~ "Do You realize how unromantic a death like that would be? I can just picture you explaining how I died at my funeral... "Well, she had a baby tooth that never turned into a permanent one, a tricky and unlucky situation is how the dentist put it."" ~ "Hey, will you text Corban and have him get the frozen mouse out and put it in his pocket to thaw so that's it's ready for when I get home?" "Um...sure." ~ "Hey dear, would you pick up the (large) order of chicken I just placed?" "Wait...I ordered a bunch too." *mom+dad's miscommunication=a big dinner and lots of leftovers* ~ "Check it out Neva, I made a lego sword. NOW I WILL RULE THE WORLD." ~ "He's like, as fast as hair.&quo
Most guys take on things like golfing as a hobby, or fishing, or working out... Mine took on Falconry. ( Falconry  is the hunting of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey.)  Most families have dogs or cats living in their yard.  Mine has 3 hawks and a falcon. It makes for great conversation starters, crowd-pleasers, most-interesting-story-contest winners.  Falconry is a way of life, my dad and brothers would say if you asked them, falconry is the coolest thing ever and if you don't think so then you have some major problems.  It's about training a wild hawk to fly to your arm when you whistle. It's all about catching squirrels, rabbits and small birds with a huge bird of prey.  ~ Most girls spend their Saturdays sleeping in, shopping for hours, or hanging out with friends... I spent mine walking through a field scaring up rabbits with 5 of the best guys in the world. Oh yeah, and a hawk


We welcome the new year today. {Remembering to write 2015 instead of 2014  might just prove to be my hardest struggle.} Some people welcome it by jumping right into their resolutions and hitting the gym hard. Some people shoot off fireworks. Some people kiss their significant other from 11:59pm to 12:01am. Some people make lists and lists of what they're going to change in this next year. Some people might not do anything particularly special.  I managed to change out of the pi's I've been wearing for the past 3 days...into more pjs.  It's hard for me to process the fact that 2014 is over and 2015 is here. Is it just me, or did it fly by? Is it that I'm getting older? Is that why things are flying by faster and faster? A whole lot of "Next year I..." phrases were said in 2014, and now next year is this year and the year in between is gone and, holy Make your lists, make your resolutions.  Bottle up 2014 and all it held and keep